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Curriculum No.CategoryName of the CourseSemester*CreditTotal HoursWorking LanguageFaculty member(s)( with professional titles 1General coursesPublic EnglishA0S472English2A Theory and Practice of Scientific SocialismA236Chinese3Marxism and The Methodology of the Social SciencesS136Chinese4Core coursesWorld EconomyA354ChineseProf. Wangqin5MacroeconomicsA354ChineseDoctor Liu Caiyong6International FinanceA354ChineseProf. Wu Chongbo7Development EconomicsA354ChineseAssociate Prof. Linmei8A Comparative Study of East Asian ModelsA354ChineseProf. Sheng Hongfang9Optional coursesSoutheast Asia EconomyS236ChineseProf. Wangqin10Chinas Foreign Economic RelationsS236ChineseAssociate Prof. Jiang Xidin11Economy of Southeast Asian Ethnic ChineseA236ChineseAssociat.Prof. Wang Wangbo12International Political EconomyA236ChineseDoctor Jin xiangding13Regional EconomicsS236ChineseAssociat.Prof. Pi Jun14The Craft of Research: Writing academic paper, proposal and thesis in EnglishS236EnglishDoctor.Xu Ke15The Economics of Southeast AsiaA236ChineseProf. Wangqin Prof. Sheng Hongfang Prof. Wu Chongbo Associate Prof. Linmei16Special topic on transition economySS115ChineseAssociat.Prof. Pi Jun17Ethnic Chinese Group and Overseas Chinese Business Networks Since World War IISS115ChineseAssociat.Prof. Wang WangboOther academic sectionsAttending academic lecturesN/ADetails are in the following pages.Teaching practice, research and internshipDetails are in the following pages.Thesis proposalDetails are in the following pages.*.SSpring semester; AAutumn semester; SSSummer semester. zQ[~SN|~-NSbpS z TyNLu~NmN ze TyWorld Economy z{|WNNf[MO z_eyc[ z~+RUxX zf[R3;`f[e54-NeQ[{N ,g z;NN~NLu~NmtvgeSU\ NLu~Nmvb_bNSU\0~NmhQtSvVEۏ z0VE~NmsQ|voۏ0VE8f0VED,gAmR0q_TNLu~Nmv;NV } NSNLu~Nm~velI{0 eQ[{NThis course provides recent development of world economy theory, formation of global economy system, economic globalization and international relations. It also discusses international trade, capital flow, multinational corporation, economic integration, factors affecting world economy and statistical methods for world economy study.Yef[e_cNXՋe_dQe0{ՋSYePg 0NLu~Nmf[ 0 _|^e;N zOOQHr>y 1999t^Hr0 0NLu~Nmey 2001t^Hr0 lk z{kXQdkh0,gh NYSRu0 zQ[~SN|~-NSbpS z Ty[‰~Nmf[ ze TyMacroeconomics z{|WNNf[MO z_eyc[ z~+RUxX zf[R3;`f[e54-NeQ[{N,g z;NSb[‰~Nmf[vyf[0[‰~Nmf[vpenc0Vl6eeQ0'^N'0_>ev~Nm01YN0~NmX`!0~NmXa!0~NmlR[0;`Bl`!0;`Bla!0_>e~Nm-Nv;`Bl0;`O~03z[?eV{S?e^:PR eQ[{NChapter one The Science of Macroeconomics learning objectives: the issues macroeconomists study, the tools macroeconomists use, some important concepts in macroeconomic analysis Chapter two The Data of Macroeconomics learning objectives: Gross Domestic Product(GDP), the Consumer Price Index(CPI), the Unemployment Rate Chapter three national Income: Where it Comes From and Where it Goes learning objectives: what determines the economys total output/income, how the prices of the factors of production are determined, how total income is distributed, what determines the demand for goods and services, how equilibrium in the goods market is achieved Chapter four Money and Inflation learning objectives: the classical theory of inflation, Classicalassumes prices are flexible & market clear, applies to the long run Chapter five The Open Economy learning objectives: accounting identities for the open economy, small open economy model Chapter six Unemployment the natural rate of unemployment Chapter seven Economic Growth `! learning objectives: learn the closed economy Solow model, see how a country s standard of living depends on its saving and population growth rates, learn how to use the  Golden Rule to find the optimal savings rate and capital stock Chapter eight Economic Growth a! learning objectives: technological progress in the Solow model, policies to promote growth, growth empirics, endogenous growth Chapter nine Introduction to Economic Fluctuations learning objectives: difference between short run & long run, introduction to aggregate demand, aggregate supply in the short run & long run, see how model of aggregate supply and demand can be used to analyze short-run and long-run effects of  shocks Chapter ten Aggregate Demand `! learning objectives: the IS curve, and its relation to the Keynesian Cross and the Loanable Funds model Chapter ten Aggregate Demand `! learning objectives: the LM curve, and its relation to the Theory of Liquidity Preference, how the IS-LM model determines income Chapter eleven Aggregate Demand a! learning objectives: how policies and shocks affect income and the interest rate in the short run when prices are fixed, derive the aggregate demand curve, explore various explanations for the Great Depression Chapter twelve Aggregate Demand in the Open Economy learning objectives: the Mundell-Fleming model, causes and effects of interest rate differentials, Arguments for fixed vs. floating exchange rates, the aggregate demand curve for the small open economy Chapter thirteen Aggregate Supply learning objectives: three models of aggregate supply in which output depends positively on the price level in the short run Chapter fourteen Stabilization Policy learning objectives: Should policy be active or passive? Should policy be by rule or direction? Chapter fifteen Government Debt learning objective: the size of the U.S. governments debt, and how it compares to that of other countries, problems measuring the budget deficit, the traditional and Ricardian views of the government debt, other perspectives on the debt   "$&(*,.02468:<>@Hjl|ʿ{t{{{tm h=b>*CJ hfJCJo( h=bCJ h=bCJo(jh=bU h=bCJ h=bCJ o( h=b5CJ0h=b5CJ0o(h5CJ4PJh=b5CJ4PJh=b5CJ4PJo(hM5CJ4PJo(h% }h=bCJOJQJaJo(hRCJOJQJaJo(h% }CJOJQJaJo(* @JLNPj         " $ h dhgdl@&$@&a$@&gd% }N^   $ F J f h Ļ}m_m_mhh=b;CJOJaJhh=b;CJOJaJo(h=b5CJo( h=b5o( h'Uo( hUgo(h=bhfJ h;o( hfJo(h7m\ h7m\o( hlo(hlhwehlaJhwehlaJo( heCJo( hlCJo( h=b>*CJ hfJCJo( h=bCJo( h=bCJjh=bU%  , $#$If^#a$gd[e $$Ifa$gd[e   * , . 0 2 B t $ > | ~ Z t   . @ n V$&<ƹƩƙƌƹƩƙƌƹƩƩƙƌƩƩƌ~hC6h=bCJOJaJo(hC6hdQCJKHaJhC6hdQ;CJOJaJo(hC6hdQCJOJQJaJo(hC6hdQCJOJaJhC6hdQCJOJaJo(hh=bCJKHaJhh=b;CJOJaJo(hh=b;CJOJaJ., . 2 B @ R f z [OO@OOO$IfWD`gd[v $$Ifa$gdkd$$Ifl\TV!d t0!44 layt[ez | ~ v O@$IfWD`gd[vkd-$$Ifl \TV!d t0!44 layt[v $$Ifa$gd 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[‰~Nmf[,{NHr Nl'Yf[QHr>y 2005t^3gHr Nwmi`lf[!h ؚYe~Nmf[xvz-N_. ff[‰~Nmf[,{NHr T`N Ye'Yf[QHr>y 207t^8gHr ё#WMb;N. ff 0[‰~Nmf[ 0,{4T,{5Hr {TT`N -NVwSQHr>y 2007t^2gHr zQ[~SN|~-NSbpS z TyVEёxvz ze TyInternational Finance z{|WNNf[MO z_eyc[ z~+RUxX zf[R3;`f[e54-NeQ[{N ,g zN-NV~Nm^[RvsQvVEё SbS_MRVEёSO6R9eiNёNSU\RVE6e/eNl^GlsQ[:g6RVEPYSO|bTVE'^SO|vSU\oSVED,gAmRgeR`N-NV8T_YDebeuVEё^:WN'^^:WVEё~~I{Q[0eQ[{NMaking the students to master the basic knowledge of International Finance; Training the students to have the ability to analyze international financial issues. It mainly contains: The International financial Economics and Research fields; Studies on Green GDP; International foreign debt and China s foreign debt Supervision; The reform of Stock System of State-operation business banks.Yef[e_cNXՋe_dQe0{ՋSYePgs1rO;N 0VEёi 0-NVёQHr>y2002t^3gHr s=NZ0ĞvW 0VEёYe z 0-NV~NmQHr>y2002t^12gHr 1g_[`i 0VEё 0S'Yf[QHr>yQHr zQ[~SN|~-NSbpS z TySU\~Nmf[ ze TyDevelopment Economics z{|WNNf[MO z_eyc[ z~+RUxX zf[R3;`f[e54-NeQ[{N ;NcSU\~Nmf[vt SU\~Nmf[vSU\Ǐ zTSU\RNSSU\-NV[v?el~Nm0eQ[{NThis course aims to introduce the concept of developing countries; to explore the theories of development; and to analyze the problems in developing countries.Yef[e_c0Ջe_dQe0{ՋSYePg1.-]S;N 0SU\~Nmf[i 0 fkIl'Yf[QHr>y 2001t^Hr 2.M. Todaro:  Economic Development in the Third Word , (latest edition) Longman 3._^b T^t 0SU\~Nmf[ 0 SN'Yf[QHr>y 2002t^Hr 4.-]S;N 0SU\~Nmf[i 0 fkIl'Yf[QHr>y 2001t^Hr 5.-]S;N 0SU\~Nmf[veSU\ 0 fkIl'Yf[QHr>y 2001t^Hr 6.N T3u;N 0SU\~Nmf[  eN~~NmSU\vtN?eV{ 0 -NVNl'Yf[QHr>y 2002t^Hr 7. _\5W 0SU\~Nmf[| 0 -NV~NmQHr>y 1998t^Hr 8.Gustav Rains & T. Paul Schults: The State of Development Economics: Progress and Perspective , New Pork: Basil Blackwell 1988. 9. Meier:  Economic Issues in Economic Development , (latest edition) Oxford University Press. zQ[~SN|~-NSbpS z TyNN!j_xvz ze TyA Comparative Study of East Asian Models z{|WNNf[MO z_ey z~+RUxX zf[R3;`f[e54-NeQ[{NǏ,g zvc 0N[f[u[NN0W:S~NmSU\Y7h'`vƋ v^[NNv~Nm[Y_>e0NNёqS:g0~Nm9eiSvQbHe NN~NmSU\v~YeS~NmSU\MRof gۏNekN Nf}Y0WPtv^8TSNNTV(WSU\le~NmǏ z-Nv[5~NYe :NbV~Nmv9ei_>e f}Y0WeQNLu~Nm gR0eQ[{NThe purpose of the course is to enrich students with the knowledge of diversities of the economic growth and development in the region of East Asia. And to have a better understanding of the economic opening of East Asian economies, the causes of eruption of East Asian financial crisis, their financial and economic reform afterward. Moreover, it evaluates east Asian economic achievements, their lessons and experiences learnt in the economic construction as well as region s economic prospects.Yef[e_cNXՋe_2!kSՋNcN?z g+geSYePg1.l~W 0NN~NmSU\!j_kxvz 0 S'Yf[QHr>y2002t^Hr0 2^\^W 0NvV[~NmSU\N>yO~Nmb_` 0 >yOyf[e.sQHr>y,1993t^Hr0 3Gerald Tan, The End of the ASIAN Miracle?  Tracing Asia s Economic Transformation, Times Academic Press, 1999. 4.Jomo K.S., Southeast Asia s Misunderstood Miracle Industrial Policy and Economic Development in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, Westview Press, 1997. 5.Gerald Tan, The Newly Industrializing Countries of Asia, Time Academic Press, 1995. 6.World Bank, The East Asian Miracle: Economic Growth and Public policy, Oxford University Press, 1993. 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